Ekosistem mangrove merupakan komunitas vegetasi pantai tropis dan subtropis yang dapat tumbuh dan beradaptasi pada daerah pasang surut. Keberadaan mangrove penting sebagai sumber nutrient bagi kelangsungan hidup biota di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi ekosistem mangrove di Desa Sambiroto dan Desa Keboromo, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah melalui analisis persentase tutupan kanopi mangrove. Stasiun pengamatan terbagi mejadi tiga stasiun mengunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di 2 lokasi, yaitu Desa Sambiroto (SB) dan Desa Keboromo (KB) yang terdiri dari 4 stasiun penelitian. Pengambilan data persentase tutupan kanopi mangrove mengunakan metode Hemispherical Photography. Hemispherical Photography merupakan metode fotografi yang digunakan untuk melihat tutupan kanopi mangrove melalui foto dengan lensa fisheye (kamera HP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 3 spesies mangrove di lokasi penelitian, 2 diantaranya di temukan di dalam plot. Spesies mangrove yang ditemukan di dalam plot yaitu Aviccenia marina dan A. alba yang di dominasi oleh A. marina. Nilai kerapatan mangrove berkisar antara 1.167 – 6.567 ind/ha .Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) dan Indeks Keseragaman (J’) termasuk rendah, Indeks Dominansi (D) di setiap stasiun >0,5 menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan dominansi jenis tertentu. Hasil persentase tutupan kanopi mangrove di Desa Sambiroto dan Desa Keboromo memiliki nilai sebesar 67,61 % dan termasuk ke dalam kategori sedang sesuai kriteria baku kerusakan mangrove (Keputusan Menteri LH No.201 Tahun 2004). The existence of mangrove forests is very important as a source of nutrients for the survival of the biota in it. This study aims to determine the condition of the mangrove ecosystem in Sambiroto and Keboromo Village, Pati Regency, Central Java through analysis of the percentage of mangrove canopy cover. The observation stations were divided into three stations using purposive sampling. This research was conducted by descriptive method. This research was conducte in 2 research locations, Sambiroto Village (SB) and Keboromo Village (KB), which consisted of 4 research stations. Data collection on the percentage of mangrove canopy cover using the Hemispherical Photography method. Hemispherical photography is a photography method used to see the mangrove canopy cover through photos with a fish eye lens (HP camera). The result showed that 6 species of mangrove were found in the study site, 2 of which were found in the plot. The mangrove species found in the plot were Avicennia marina and Avicennia alba which were dominated by Avicennia marina. The value of mangrove density ranges from 1.167 – 6.567 ind/ha. The values of the Diversity Index (H’) and the Uniformity Index (J’) are low, the Dominance Index (D) at eatch station >0.5 indicates a tendency for the dominance of certain species. The results of the percentage of mangrove canopy cover in Sambiroto Village and Keboromo Village have a value of 67.61% and are included in the moderate category according to the standard criteria for mangrove damage (Minister of Environment Decree No.201 of 2004).