Object: to describe the methods of organizing competence-oriented classes with students of pedagogical areas of training. Methods: the leading research methods were the generalization and analysis of pedagogical experience and the processing of quantitative data on the dynamics of indicators of the effectiveness of using the methods of organizing competence-oriented classes with students of pedagogical areas of training. Findings: principles of organizing competence-oriented training with students of pedagogical areas of training (systematic, flexibility, interaction, conscious perspective, professional expediency, activity, activity, ideality, humanism, feedback, reflexivity); revealed the advantages of using competence-oriented classes with students of pedagogical areas of training; formulated types of competence-oriented classes with students of pedagogical areas of training; methods of organizing lecture, seminar and practical competence-oriented classes have been developed; identified types of activities (areas of work) for inclusion in the rating indicators; The indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the described methods of work were determined. Conclusions: the article presents a list of competencies, examples of competence-oriented tasks aimed at their formation and planned learning outcomes; The indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the described methods of work were determined. The article materials can be useful for heads of educational structures of various levels, teachers of higher educational institutions, teachers of schools, parents.