“…Thus, the use of computer-based support systems should make the strategy development process more effective. In this study, the effectiveness is measured in terms of performance of decision activity (Keen and Scott Morton, 1978), decision confidence (Turban, 1995;Oz et al, 1993;Davey and Olson, 1998;Van Bruggen et al, 1996), level of consensus (DeSanctis and Gallupe, 1985;Turban, 1995;Sharda et al, 1988), quality of outputs of a system (Evans and Riha, 1989), quality of decisions (Keen and Scott Morton, 1978;Coll et al, 1991), etc. With regard to the provision of computerised support, the measurements for the effectiveness should also include helping strategic thinking (Porter, 1987;Mintzberg, 1994aMintzberg, , 1994b and coupling strategic analysis with managerial judgement (Mintzberg, 1994a(Mintzberg, , 1994b(Mintzberg, , 1994c, etc.…”