This study aims to describe the literacy skills of Muhammadiyah elementary school students in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The population of this study was grade 4 students at Muhammadiyah elementary school in Sleman Regency. The samples of this study were 395 students taken from 16 Muhammadiyah elementary schools of each district in Sleman Regency using cluster random sampling technique. The data collection technique used mathematical literacy test instruments that had been tested for their validity and reliability. The results showed that the mathematical literacy skills of students at Muhammadiyah elementary schools in Sleman Regency were still in low. Mathematical literacy skills of Muhammadiyah Elementary School students in Sleman Regency in the domain of formulating mathematical situations were in the moderate category. It means the process domain by using concepts, facts, procedures, and mathematical reasoning as well as the process domain of interpreting, implementing, and evaluating mathematical results were in the low category.