Poor oral hygiene can be potentially life-threatening in inpatients. However, no basic protocol on oral hygiene customized for inpatients exists, and lack of oral care related knowledge, attitude, and skills among caregivers could be detrimental to the general health of patients. This study sought to identify the oral care practices and oral health status of inpatients with varying physical activity limitations in a rehabilitation ward.Sixty-one inpatients in a rehabilitation ward were evaluated for their medical and physical conditions and oral health status. These were assessed using the bedside oral exam, decayed, missing, filled teeth index, plaque index, gingival index, and caries activity test.In total, 40 men and 21 women (mean age, 56.6 years) were included in this study. Among them, 50.8% of the patients could brush their teeth unassisted, whereas 49.2% required assistance from an assistant for oral care. The proportion of patients receiving nasogastric tube feeding was higher in the group that could not provide oral self-care; 36.7% and 33.3% of these patients showed moderate and severe dysfunction, respectively, based on bedside oral exam. Scores for the swallowing, tongue, and total domains of bedside oral exam were poorer for patients who could not provide oral self-care (P < .01). The caries activity test indicated a moderate risk for both groups.Our findings suggest that an oral care protocol that considers the physical activity limitations in inpatients in rehabilitation wards is necessary to minimize negative influences on the systemic health of these patients.