Abstract. A combination of elemental analysis, bulk stable isotope
analysis (bulk SIA) and compound-specific stable isotope analysis of amino
acids (CSIA-AA) was used to assess and monitor carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and
sulfur (S) cycling of a mangrove ecosystem that suffered mass dieback of
trees in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia in 2015–2016, attributed to an
extreme drought event. Three field campaigns were conducted 8, 20 and 32 months after the event over a period
from 2016 to 2018 to obtain
biological time-series data. Invertebrates and associated organic matter
including mangroves and sediments from the impacted ecosystem showed
enrichment in 13C, 15N and 34S relative to those from an
adjacent unimpacted reference ecosystem, likely indicating lower mangrove
carbon fixation, lower nitrogen fixation and lower sulfate reduction in the
impacted ecosystem. For example, invertebrates representing the feeding
types of grazing, leaf feeding and algae feeding were more 13C
enriched at the impacted site, by 1.7 ‰–4.1 ‰, and these
differences did not change over the period from 2016 to 2018. The CSIA-AA
data indicated widespread 13C enrichment across five essential amino
acids and all groups sampled (except filter feeders) within the impacted
site. The seedling density increased from 0.2 m−2 in
2016 to 7.1 m−2 in 2018 in the impacted forest, suggesting recovery of the
vegetation. Recovery of CNS cycling, however, was not evident even after
32 months, suggesting a biogeochemical legacy of the mortality event.
monitoring of the post-dieback forest is required to predict the long-term
trajectory of ecosystem recovery. This study shows that time-series SIA can
track biogeochemical changes over time and evaluate recovery of an impacted
ecosystem from an extreme event.