The aim of this article is to point out the potential of urban spaces that have not been primarily meant to be barefoot parks. The stimulation of bare feet is used as a part of therapy or for the prevention of plantar problems. The high number of research papers or blogs available about bare feet shows the interest in this topic among scientists, doctors and the broader population. People are usually shod in a city environment. An analysis of some existing barefoot/sensomotoric spaces compares 3 different projects located in Italy, Germany, and Colombia. The paper shows the common and different approaches in information systems and the amount, variability, and spatial arrangement of stimulation surfaces of these projects. The same method of categorization is used in the analysis of a newly reconstructed park in Slovakia, which was built without a request for a barefoot space. A comparison of these analyses shows the high potential for a regular park having a barefoot area. This research proves that barefoot places in urban areas could be instituted without any significant financial or construction interventions.