This paper reports the changes in the activity and isozyme pattern of serum LDH in healthy young men given a low protein diet (0.73-0.75/kg body weight; 40-50g/day) for 21 days. Serum total LDH activity showed no significant change in eight healthy young volunteers who received low protein diet for 21 days. However, the percentages of LDH-5 and LDH-4 increased significantly (P <0.01) from basal levels of 5.9•}2.3 and 7.1•}1.4 to 10.6•}2.9% and 10.1•}0.9%, respectively on day 14. These results suggest that measurements of the percentages of LDH-4 and LDH-5 isozymes can be used to evaluate the protein intake, but serum LDH activity cannot be used as an index of nutrition.