The results from an experimental investigation on an oxygenmethane single-injector combustion chamber are presented. They provide detailed information about the thermal loads at the hot inner walls of the combustion chamber at representative rocket engine conditions and pressures up to 20 bar. The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of the thermal transfer processes and to validate the in-house design tool Thermtest and a base for an attempt to simulate the §ame behavior with large-eddy simulation (LES). Due to the complex §ow phenomena linked to the use of cryogenic propellants, like extreme variation of §ow properties and steep temperature gradients, in combination with intensive chemical reactions, the problem has been partially simpli¦ed by injecting gaseous oxygen (GOx) and gaseous methane (GCH 4 ). external combustion chamber width, m c speci¦c heat capacity, J/(kg·K)' E in total energy entering the control volume, W ' E out total energy leaving the control volume, W