The activity of enzymes (catalase, dehydrogenase, urease, and invertase) of mountain-meadow soils of the mountain plateaus of the Main Ridge of Crimea was studied. The increased enzyme activity in the surface layer of soils with a sharp decrease in the values below 40 cm. The direct dependence of the activity of enzymes on the content of organic carbon and the inverse relation-ship with hydrolytic acidity was established. The individual differences in the enrichment with enzymes of the surface layer of soils 0-10 cm and the total activity of the entire soil profile to a depth of 70 cm for the mountain-meadow soils of the Crimea have been determined. Such a high difference in the values of the Integral Indicator of Biological Condition (IIBC) indicates a sig-nificant influence not only the content and stocks of organic carbon, but also a complex of other parameters. Keywords: SOIL COVER, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY, BIOINDICATION, ORGANIC CARBON