Polyploidy or whole genome duplication is an important mechanism for acquiring new genes and creating genetic novelty in plants. In the present study, successful induction of autotetraploidy has been achieved through seedling treatment of colchicine in Cosmos sulphureus. Young seedlings were treated with different concentrations of aqueous colchicine (0.15, 0.2%, each for different durations) using the cotton-swab method. Polyploidy was confirmed during meiotic behavior of pollen mother cells. Induced tetraploid was cytogenetically distinguished from diploid by the occurrence of 48 chromosomes at diakinesis/metaphase-I with different combinations of univalent, bivalents, trivalents, and multivalent. In addition, different types of chromosomal anomalies such as laggards, micronuclei etc. were also observed at anaphase/telophase-I. Various cytological features like chromosomal associations (quadrivalents, bivalents and univalents) and chiasmata frequency were recorded at diakinesis/metaphase-I. It is expected that the induced colchiploid, if established, could be used in further cytological and breeding programs.
KEYWORDS: Cosmos sulphureus, colchiploid, quadrivalent, capitulumPolyploidy has been a recurrent process during the evolution of flowering plant that has made a considerable impact on plant species diversity (Wendel and Doyle 2005). In contrast to allopolyploidy which is much prevalent in nature, autopolyploids has several potential advantages since the plants can resort to higher number of genes and higher maximum number of variants (Soltis and Soltis 2000). The application of colchicine in inducing polyploid and their subsequent use in agriculture is well known. Colchicine has been largely used to alter ploidy level frequencies in cell populations to obtain tetraploid plants, starting with diploid material (Ahirwar et al. 2015). In fact, polyploid plants usually have larger and thicker leaves, stems and flowers, fruits and seeds, and then, a greater yield.Cosmos sulphureus, belonging to the family Asteraceae, is an important ornamental as well as medicinal plant. The species is native to Mexico in Central America but has been introduced elsewhere around the world and is now cultivated in India, Cambodia and Indonesia. Besides its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, the flower heads of this plant are used as an eco-friendly dye in woolen industry (Jansen and Cardon 2005;Kale et al. 2005). The present study has been conducted with the primary objective of production of autotetraploids in Cosmos sulphureus by using colchicine, and their cyto-morphological characterization which can be exploited for future improvement of the plant.
Colchicine treatmentA total of 20 young potted seedlings were selected for colchicine treatment. In the present study, cotton swab method has been employed for colchicinization. In this method, cotton swabs immersed either in 0.15 or 0.20% aqueous colchicine were placed on the emerging apical tip between two cotyl...