The present investigation was conducted at the Vegetable Research farm at the College of Horticulture, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda, Uttar Pradesh, during the Rabi season 2019-2020. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design with 20 genotypes of onion. The result obtained showed that the NHRDF Red-4 is performing the best among all genotypes in characters viz., plant height at 75 DAT, number of leaves per plant at 75 DAT, equatorial bulb diameter, 20 bulb weight, average bulb weight, gross yield kg per plot, gross yield q/ha, marketable yield kg/plot and marketable yield q/ha. The Bhima Shweta performed superior regarding most of the traits viz., double (%) on number basis, bolters percentage on number basis, rotten percentage at number basis, days to maturity at 60-70% neck fall, days to harvesting after transplanting, thrips per plant and TSS percentage but the genotype/variety Sukh Sagar took minimum duration and mature only in 80 days after transplanting, it is harvested before others genotypes/varieties and also yielded well, so this variety can be also recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh.