In this work the influence of shape anisotropy on the magnetic hysteresis and zero-field magnetic domain state of submicron-size particles of Fe was investigated. Arrays of particles having circular ͑diameter d c ϭ550 or 200 nm͒, rectangular ͑900 nm by 300 nm͒, or elliptical ͑450 nm by 150 nm͒ shape were prepared by electron lithography and ion-beam milling of epitaxial Fe ͑001͒ films of thicknesses tϭ50, 30, 15, and 10 nm. The samples were characterized by magnetization measurements and magnetic-force microscopy ͑MFM͒. All films have cubic anisotropy, for tϭ50, 30, and 15 nm with the same anisotropy constant as bulk Fe: K 1 ϭ(4.3Ϯ0.1)ϫ10 4 J m Ϫ3 . For tϭ10 nm the effective anisotropy is increased, K 1 ϭ5.7ϫ10 4 J m Ϫ3 , due to surface effects. The effects of the interplay between the magnotocrystalline and shape anisotropies are observed as the lateral extension of the films is decreased. The circular particles with d c ϭ550 nm have closed magnetic domain structures with a fourfold symmetry, compatible with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, for all thicknesses. In the rectangular particles a gradual change is observed as the thickness decreases. For tϭ50 nm a diamond structure comprising three closed-domain substructures is formed in the demagnetized state. The rectangles with tϭ30 and 15 nm are multidomains with the number of closed substructures decreasing to 2 and 2 or 1, respectively. The thickness dependence of the domain structure and an accompanying change of character in the MFM contrast are explained by an increasing amount of Néel component in the domain walls with a width that increases with decreasing film thickness. The rectangles with tϭ10 nm are quasisingle domains, forming a flower state. The small circular particles (d c ϭ200 nm) and the elliptical ones, both with tϭ10 nm, are considered to be stable single domains in zero field. Judging from the hysteresis curves, magnetization reversal does not occur by coherent rotation in any of the particles.