Introduction: The practice of informed consent before any surgical procedure should form the fundamental element that serves to protect both patient and surgeon from prosecution. Several factors can affect the process of surgical informed consent. Knowledge towards surgical informed consent is one important factor. It is worth mentioning that patients’ understanding of the information provided in the consent form is a prerequisite for obtaining valid informed consent, otherwise, it will be only symbolic. The study aimed to assess knowledge of surgical informed consent and associated factors among patients who undergone obstetric and gynecologic surgery at Jimma Medical Center, Jimma, Oromia Region, EthiopiaMethodology: Institutional based crossectional study was conducted among systematically selected women undergo obstetrics and gynecologic surgery in Jimmy medical center from April 1 to May 30, 2020. The collected data were coded, entered into Epi data version 3.1, and analyzed using SPSS version 25. Bivariate and multivariate regression was carried out to determine the association between an outcome variable and an independent variable. Tables, pie -charts, and texts were used to report the result.Results: This study revealed that the mean age of the respondents was 29.5 ±3.5 years and the majority of them (83.3%) were married. The respondents had significantly poor overall knowledge of surgical informed consent 77.2 %( 95%CI: 72.8-81.2).Patient educational status (AOR: 1.22 (95%CI: 1.1-2.47), satisfaction level (AOR: 1.823(95%CI: 1.061-3.134).and patient- provider relation-ship (AOR: 0.472(95%CI: 0.271-0.822) were associated with knowledge of surgical informed consent.Conclusion: in this study, the overall level of knowledge regarding surgical informed consent was significantly poor than the other national and international figures. Patient Education, satisfaction, and patient-provider relation-ship were associated with knowledge of surgical informed consent. Health care providers should provide adequate information before surgery to improve patients’ knowledge regarding surgical informed consent and provide adequate input on ways to improve the consent process to make it better suited to fit the needs of all patients.