INTRODUCTIONThe strong interest in low dimensional semiconductor structures originates from their exciting electronic properties, which can have an important impact on the performance of electronic and photonic devices. The quantum dots (QDs), also known as quantum boxes, are nanometer scale islands in which electrons and holes are confined in threedimensional (3D) potential boxes. They are expected to show a zero-dimensional (0D), -function density of states and are able to quantize an electron's free motion by trapping it in a quasi-0D potential confinement. As a result of the strong confinement imposed in all three spatial dimensions, quantum dots are similar to atoms. They are frequently referred to as "artificial atoms." Due to this confinement, novel physical properties will emerge, which can lead to new semiconductor devices as well as drastically improved device performance.As the particles are confined in all three dimensions, there is no dispersion curve and the density of states is just dependent on the number of confined levels. For one single dot, only two (spin-degenerate) states exit at each energy level and the plot of the density of states versus energy will be a series of -functions. Figure 6.1 shows the change of the density states from a bulk system to the low dimensional systems of quantum wells (QWL), quantum wires (QWR), and QDs. The calculation of these density of states can be found in an introductory solid state text [1].In QDs, the width of the electron energy distribution is zero in an ideal case. This means that electrons in those structures are distributed in certain discrete energyFIGURE 6.1 Density of state of zero-dimensional (upper left), one-dimensional (upper right), two-dimensional (lower left), and bulk (lower right) systems.levels, and the energy distribution width is fundamentally independent of temperature.In real semiconductor structures, due to many interaction processes such as electronelectron and electron-phonon scattering (which can also be reduced by QDs due to the lack of phonons to satisfy the energy conservation, which is the so-called phonon bottleneck [2]), a certain width in the electron energy distribution exists. However it is expected to be much smaller compared to bulk and QW systems. The condition for novel and interesting electronic properties to occur in a QDbased device is that the lateral size of the QD should be smaller than the coherence length and the elastic scattering length of the carriers. Additional quantum-size effects require the structural features to be reduced to the range of the de Broglie wavelength. The advantages in operation depend not only on the absolute size of the nanostructures in the active region, but also on the uniformity of size and shape. A large distribution of sizes would "smear" the density of states of QDs thus making it more like that of bulk material. Therefore, the repeatable fabrication of these nanometer 3D quantum structures requires methods with atomic scale accuracy, which presents a major challenge for current...