Approved by the following research ethics committee: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (#050.
ABSTRACTPurpose: To analyze the intrasession and intersession repeatability of contrast sensitivity (CS) measurements in patients with glaucoma, cataract, or age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and healthy controls. Methods: CS measurements were performed using the OPTEC-Functional Vision Analyzer (FVA), which uses a standardized and closed (view-in) system. Measurements for patients with glaucoma, cataract, or AMD and healthy controls were repeated within 30 minutes (intrasession) and during two sessions (intersession), separated by one week to one month. Test-retest reliability and correlation were measured using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of repeatability (COR). Results: Ninety subjects (90 eyes) with visual acuity of 0.17 logMAR or higher in the cataract group or 0.00 logMAR in the other groups were included. During the first session, the ICC values were 0.87, 0.90, 0.76, and 0.69, and COR values were 0.24, 0.20, 0.38, and 0.25 for the control, glaucoma, cataract, and AMD groups, respectively. The reliability scores significantly improved during the second session, except in the glaucoma group. There was an acceptable floor effect and no ceiling effect at higher frequencies in the glaucoma and AMD groups. Conclusion: In subjects with good visual acuity, the FVA system is useful for evaluating CS and demonstrates good repeatability, as shown by ICC and COR. Because there is no ceiling effect, this system is beneficial for evaluation of early changes in CS, particularly in patients with glaucoma or AMD.Keywords: Macular degeneration; Contrast sensitivity; Glaucoma; Age effect; Repro ducibility of results , glaucoma, catarata e AMD foram, respectivamente, ICC 0,87; 0,90; 0,76; 0,69, e COR 0,24; 0,20; 0,38; 0,25
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a reprodutibilidade intrassessão e intersessão das medidas de sen sibilidade ao contraste (CS) em pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade (AMD), glaucoma e catarata.
Método: As medidas de CS foram feitas pelo OPTEC-Funcional Visão Analyzer (FVA), que utiliza um sistema padronizado e fechado de avaliação da acuidade visual. Medidas em pacientes com AMD, glaucoma, catarata e nos controles saudáveis foram repetidas no prazo de 30 minutos (intrassessão) em duas visitas (intersessão), separadas por uma semana a um mês. A confiabilidade e correlação teste-reteste foram calculados por meio do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e coeficiente de reprodutibilidade (COR).
Resultados: Noventa olhos de 90 indivíduos foram recrutados com acuidade visual de 0,17 logMAR ou melhor em catarata e 0,00 logMAR nos outros grupos. A confiabilidade da CS na primeira visita dos grupos normal