General introductionAmongst others, risk assessment, prevention and optimal treatment of pneumothorax associated with one-way valve treatment are discussed. A modified Delphi structure was used to evaluate the expert opinion in a systematic way.Originally, the intention was to describe the outcomes of our multi-center, double blind, randomized clinical trial 'Morphine or Fentanyl for refractory dyspnea in COPD[MoreFoRCOPD]' in chapter 9. However, due to the Corona pandemic the inclusion of patients in the MoreFoRCOPD trial has sustained significant delay. Therefore, we have now chosen to describe the study design of MoreFoRCOPD, where we investigate whether low-dosed morphine and fentanyl are more effective to treat refractory dyspnea in COPD than placebo. In addition to the description of the study design, this chapter also contains a systematic review of the effect of opioids on dyspnea, quality of life and health status in COPD.