The dynamics of agribusiness development depends on the state of its material and technical base; its intensification is impossible without equipping with advanced energy-efficient means of production. A number of measures of state support in the Altai Territory are aimed at achieving the required level of technical re-equipment of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Within the framework of the study, measures and tools are considered that stimulate technical re-equipment and technological modernization. The influence of state support on the technical re-equipment of agribusiness is analyzed, and the positive contribution of the use of leasing schemes in the acquisition of agricultural machinery is revealed. Indicators of the dynamics of updating the main types of agricultural machines and technological equipment of agribusiness are given, in particular, its low provision with tractors was revealed. The assessment of the need for technology is given. The reasons for the restraining rates of acquisition of agricultural machinery have been identified and a number of measures have been proposed to intensify it.