Across the globe, approximately half of the population diagnosed with diabetes use complementary
medicines for the treatment of diabetes. Salacia reticulata (family Hypocrataceae), is an
indigenous woody climber flowering plant commonly employed within the Ayurvedic healthcare
framework for addressing diabetes and obesity. It is also known as KothalaHimbutu and grows in the
dry zone forests of India and Sri Lanka. It is documented to exhibit antioxidant, lipid-lowering, hypertrophy-
reducing, and fibrosis-inhibiting properties and hepatoprotective activity. We critically
analyze the available in-vitro, animal, and clinical research supporting the utilization of Salacia reticulata
in managing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Compounds that have been recognized for their
ability to counteract diabetes include salacinol, kotalanol, ponkoranol, and salaprinol. Various invitro
research depicted salacia's capacity to impede intestinal alpha-glucosidase function. Furthermore,
it enhances the breakdown of stored fat (lipolysis) and reduces insulin resistance by increasing
the production of messenger RNA for hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) as well as adiponectin, respectively,
in the mouse mesenteric fat. Salacia reticulata treatment up-regulates the lipolysis factors
while downregulating the 3T3-L1 adipocytes lipogenesis factors. Both animal studies and clinical
research consistently showed significant improvement in levels of glucose when fasting compared to
being exposed to sucrose and maltose. Furthermore, 6 weeks to 3 months of treatment showed a
substantial reduction in the HbA1C and plasma Insulin. Salacia reticulata efficiently decreases obesity
and insulin resistance while enhancing glucose metabolism therefore, more substantial evidence
derived from meticulously designed research is necessary to confirm its effectiveness and safety.
Moreover, the research aimed at improving the growth of callus, increasing polyphenolic content,
promoting mangiferin synthesis, and assessing the biological properties of the salaciagenus suggests
its potential as a valuable source for the industrial production of important industrial secondary compounds.
At the same time, data indicate cumulative knowledge, highlighting its strong antioxidant
effect and unveiling its capabilities without impacting natural reserves.