Ringkasan Eksekutif 1 Introduction 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Farmer selection 2.2 Questionnaire 2.2.1 General respondents characteristics 2.2.2 General farm characteristics and management 2.2.3 Farmers perception on the use of manure 2.3 Data analysis 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Respondents characteristics 3.2 Farm characteristics 3.3 Farmers perceptions on the use of manure 3.3.1 The use of chicken manure 3.3.2 The use of cattle manure 3.3.3 Evaluation of farmers perceptions on the use of manure 4 Conclusions 4.1 Respondents characteristics 4.2 Farm characteristics 4.3 Farmers perceptions on the use of manure Acknowledgements References Number of selected farms in the different villages Application rates [kg product/ha] of manure products in different crops Costs [10 6 IDR/ha] of manure products in different crops Survey results on 1: behavioural belief strength, outcome evaluation and attitude, 2: normative belief, motivation to comply and subjective norm and 3: control strength, control power and perceived behavioural control for the use of chicken manure Survey results on 1: behavioural belief strength, outcome evaluation and attitude, 2: normative belief, motivation to comply and subjective norm and 3: control strength, control power and perceived behavioural control for the use of cattle manure Survey results on the differences in 1: behavioural belief strength and outcome evaluation, 2: normative belief and motivation to comply 3: control strength and control power for the use of cattle manure between adopters and non-adopters 45 Survey results on the differences in 1: behavioural belief strength and outcome evaluation, 2: normative belief and motivation to comply 3: control strength and control power for the use of cattle manure between respondents with positive versus negative intention 47 Report WPR-966 | Key messages Survey results on fertiliser practices of small-scale vegetable farmers in Lembang, West Java, showed that: • The most frequently cultivated crops were broccoli, lettuce, tomato, Cayenne pepper, and cauliflower. • More than 90% of the farmers used chicken manure (mainly 'postal': chicken manure with rice husks), and 13% of the farmers used cattle manure. Other organic fertilisers frequently used by farmers were goat manure and granulates of organic fertilisers. • Fertilisers are applied at higher application rates and at higher costs in inter/multiple cropping systems than in mono cropping systems. • There are many different organic fertiliser products used by farmers at an average application rate of 13 and 18 tons/ha at an average cost of 5.2 and 7.0 million IDR/ha in mono and inter/multiple