Background: In low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is increasing. WHO recommends monitoring antibiotic use, in particular Watch antibiotics, clinical important but at risk of becoming ineffective due to increasing AMR. We investigated antibiotic use at primary care or community-level in rural Burkina Faso.
Methods: During 2016-2017, patients aged >3 months admitted with severe acute fever to the rural hospital of Nanoro Health District, Burkina Faso, reported antibiotic use in the two weeks prior to consultation or hospitalization, which we analysed using the WHO Access, Watch, Reserve (AWaRe) classification. Most Watch antibiotics, e.g. ceftriaxone, are not recommended at primary health center level, as is also the case for ciprofloxacin in children.
Results: Of 920 participants (63.0% ≤14 years), pre-admission antibiotic use was reported by 363 (39.5%) of whom 58 (16.0%) reported more than one antibiotic. Use was more frequent among health center referrals (231, 54.0%) than among self-referred patients (131, 26.7%, p<0.001). Of 424 antibiotics, 261 (61.6%) were Access and 159 (37.5%) Watch antibiotics. Watch antibiotics use was more frequent among >14 year olds (72, 51.1%) than 0-14 year olds (87, 30.7%) and among referrals (41, 28.1%) compared to self-referred patients (117, 42.2%). Most frequently used Watch antibiotics were ceftriaxone (114, 26.9%) and ciprofloxacin (32, 7.5%). Among antibiotics reported by referral patients, ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin were respectively recorded 100 (36.1%) and 12 times (4.3%).
Conclusion: The frequent use of Watch group antibiotics prior to presentation to the hospital in rural Burkina Faso highlights the need to address primary care, over-the-counter and informal community-level antibiotic use as part of antibiotic stewardship in LMIC, facilitating referral, access to qualified prescribers, or improving diagnostic tools in health centers.