Ladies and gentlemen, members and guests, colleagues and friends, I am deeply honored to be chosen for this award; thank you, Madam President, members of the Awards Committee, and Tayfun Ö zçelik for your kind introduction. I accept this award on behalf of a large group of scientists, numerous postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students, research associates, and technicians. I am grateful to all of them, some of whom are here, and to the many collaborators who contributed to our success.You heard about the wide range of research activities of my laboratory, so for this address, I had to select what to cover. The microscope in the Allan Award medal inspired me to focus on my adventures in cytogenetics.Let's start from the beginning. In the gymnasium, the German equivalent to high school plus junior college, I majored in mathematics and physics and studied Latin for the language requirement, so I couldn't speak much English when I came to this country. In medical school in Germany, I thought biochemistry was the most interesting subject. I remember that one day the professor