Over the last few years, Augmented Reality (AR) has become one of the newest trends in technology due to its characteristics: ease of access to information on the world's reality and superimposition to the society of digital data in real time. Since the smartphone revolution, virtually everyone uses them continuously in their daily lives. These devices have a processor, GPS, screen, camera, microphone, etc., indispensable tools for AR experiences. Because of this, among other things, AR technology is constantly growing and captures the attention of many users around the world. Various studies show some relevant results in the intervention of Augmented Reality with students presenting with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the acquisition of social skills that worked with parents, teachers and peers. Although ASD is highly heterogeneous, both in etiological issues and in the manifestations and evolution of symptoms at different stages of development, expression and presentation according to sex, age or co-morbidities presented; some of the impairments in the social skills of people with ASD have been described in various researches such as, for example, the presence of difficulties in intuitive comprehension in the social situation. Due to this, the objective of the work is to create a protocol of activities using Augmented Reality as a teaching methodology, to learn a specific routine that allows people with ASD, with verbal communicative behaviors and non-verbal communicative behaviors, to improve in the acquisition of communication and response to tasks and routines. The results obtained indicate that this protocol of activities that has been created allows people with ASD to obtain information from the world around them and respond safely to the demands of the environment. In addition, this protocol is characterized by following a favorable learning style for this disorder, as it studies how people with ASD obtain information about their environment.