High-dosage, tocolytic magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4 ) administered to pregnant women during preterm labor can be toxic, and sometimes lethal, for their newborns (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (relative mortality risk 2.82, 95% confidence interval 1.2-6.6)). Based on the results of the Magnesium and Neurologic Endpoints Trial and the work of many others, a unifying triangular concept is proposed to account for the increased prevalence of brain lesions, with their likely resultant mortality, in neonates and infants exposed to high-dose MgSO 4 in the context of preterm labor. We review the evidence that: (1) elevated circulating levels of serum ionized magnesium occurring in mothers, and therefore in their babies, at the time of delivery are associated with subsequent neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH); (2) neonatal IVH is strongly associated with lenticulostriate vasculopathy (LSV), an unusual mineralizing lesion involving the thalami and basal ganglia of the neonate; and, (3) exposure to 50 g or more of tocolytic MgSO 4 during preterm labor is associated with the development of LSV.