The restriction enzyme Eco RI identifies a two-allele system for the L-myc gene with fragment sizes of 10.0 and 6.6 kilobases and results in three possible allelotypes: homozygotic for the large allele (LL), homozygotic for the small allele (SS) or heterozygotic (LS). The prognostic significance of the L-myc allelotype of genomic DNA has been studied previously in several tumours (lung, colorectal, breast, soft tissue, leukaemia, lymphoma, stomach, kidney, oral cavity and liver). However, conficting results were reported. In this study we have investigated the L-myc genotype of 98 primary bladder cancer patients in an attempt to determine its utility as a prognostic, and as a susceptibility, factor in a Catalonian population.
MATERIALS AND METHODSNinety-eight patients (88 males, 10 females, aged 38-91), diagnosed at Fundació Puigvert as having primary bladder cancer, were studied for L-myc restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFL); P 53 were superficial bladder tumours and 45 were invasive tumours. In addition, 110 normal DNA specimens from healthy blood donors (66 males, 44 females, aged 2-81) were analysed to investigate the genotype frequency of L-myc proto-oncogene.High molecular weight DNA was isolated by standard phenol-chloroform methods. Restriction digests of DNA were performed with endonuclease Eco RI under standard conditions, electrophoresed in a 0.8% agarose gel, denaturated, transferred to Hybond® nylon membrane (Amersham) and hybridized with a 32 P-labelled probe by the method essentially described by Southern (1975).All results obtained in these studies were analysed for statistical significance by the χ 2 test with Yates' correction for adjustment when necessary. Differences between the two populations were judged significant at P < 0.05. Kaplan-Meier curves were constructed to analyse patient survival between different genotypes (log-rank test).
RESULTSEco RI-digested DNA probed with the L-myc probe results in two fragments of 10 kb (L) and 6.6 kb (S), which are due to an Eco RI restriction site polymorphism (Figure 1). The distribution of the three genotypes (LL, LS, SS) in the control and patient groups is shown in Table 1. Chi-squared analysis showed that there was no difference between the distribution of the three genotypes of patient group and controls, and all are in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.When the patients in the current study were examined for a relationship between the presence of S-alleles (LS or SS individuals) and distant metastasis, no association was found (P = 0.51). Nor was there a significant association between homozygosity for the Summary The L-myc restriction fragment length polymorphism has been suggested to be of prognostic significance in some types of primary tumours. We examined the prognostic and susceptibility significance of the L-myc genotype in a group of 98 bladder cancer patients. The L-myc genotype did not correlate with any pathologic parameter and does not offer any clinical utility in patients with bladder cancer.