A B S T R A C TThe Donnan equilibrium is employed to evaluate the entropic repulsion between two charged plates that feature charge regulation and are in equilibrium with a reservoir solution of monovalent salt. This approach represents the zero-field limit of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, valid for strongly overlapping electrical double layers. We show that this scenario features an intrinsic length scale, which serves as the unscreened pendant of the Debye length for strongly overlapping double layers. In general, the scaling of the disjoining pressure with interplate distance is dependent on the boundary conditions (constant charge, constant potential, or charge regulation). Surprisingly, here we find for sufficiently low potentials the same inverse-square decay as for constant charge surfaces. We test the validity of the zero-field limit by comparison with self-consistent field lattice computations that invoke the full Poisson equation for finitely sized ions between two charge-regulated plates.The electrical double-layer repulsion between two charged surfaces in equilibrium with a salt reservoir is conventionally [1-10] evaluated under the assumption that surfaces are sufficiently far apart such that their double-layers only weakly interact. This so-called 'weak-overlap approximation' [4] implies that the electrical potential in the mid-plane between the two surfaces is small (though surface potentials, nevertheless, may be high). Within this weak-overlap approximation, the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation eventually yields osmotic disjoining pressures that decay exponentially; the typical decay length being the Debye screening length κ −1 which measures the thickness of a diffuse electrical double-layer in solution. Together with Van der Waals attractions, one arrives at the exponentially screened, classical DLVO potential [1][2][3][4], which is applicable to dilute colloidal fluids in which the average colloid-colloid distance is (much) larger than κ −1 .When distances between charged surfaces are comparable to or less than κ −1 such that double-layers strongly overlap and the weak-overlap approximation breaks down, one must resort to more complicated solutions containing elliptic functions [11] or to numerical solutions. For low surface potentials with plates in close proximity and in presence of background salt, analytical approximations exist featuring a peculiar inverse square decay of the disjoining pressure with the inter-plate separation [11]. To the best of our knowledge, however, these approximations are only known for the boundary condition of constant surface charge [11-13], but not for surfaces featuring charge regulation, even though these boundary conditions in general do not lead to the same scaling behavior of the disjoining pressure [14]. It should be mentioned that an inverse square decay is also known for the salt-free (counter-ion only) limit at large separations, even in case of charge regulation [11,15]. Here we demonstrate a relatively straightforward and analytical treatment of th...