Envenomation caused by venomous snakes can induce clinical symptoms and signs resembling those of traumatic acute compartment syndrome (ACS), but it is uncertain whether its treatment guidelines are applicable or beneficial for ACS that is associated to snakebites. Nonetheless, recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of trauma-induced ACS, particularly following fractures of the tibial diaphysis, are extrapolated to the diagnosis and treatment of snakebites despite evidence that the ensuing injuries are frequently not true ACS. Most biologists agree that the venom of snakes, especially those of the Crotalinae family (vipers) evolved to immobilize, kill, and initiate the digestion of their prey. The human local effects of viper envenoming are the result of digestion like those described in biological processes as acute pancreatitis, including secondary inflammatory and induction of reparative effects. The first-line treatment should focus on mitigation of venom-induced tissue digestion rather than surgery solution for “ACS-like” symptoms and signs. This type of analysis leads to questioning that treatment of ACS associated with snakebite cannot be extrapolated from recommendations formulated for trauma-induced ACS. The cornerstone of snake envenoming treatment is antivenom, and some clinical and experimental experiences start to show that surgical procedures frequently employed for trauma-induced ACS, such as debridement and fasciotomy, may be exaggerated and even deleterious in most viper bite envenoming.