“…Numbers in the graph denote the number of birds examined in each of the regions. (Based on data in Markov (1937Markov ( , 1941, Belopolskaya (1952), Threlfall (1971), Bishop & Threlfall (1974), Persson et al (1974), Galaktionov et al (1993), Galaktionov (1996a), Kuklin (2001), Borgsteede et al (2005), Kuklin & Kuklina (2005), , Skírnisson (2015) and our data.) (a) Thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia; ×, --); black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla; triangles, --); glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus; diamonds, .. Tereschenko et al (1985), Averintsev (1989), Loeng et al (1992), Węsławski & Stempiewicz (1995), Adrov & Denisenko (1996) and Denisenko (2013), for the White Sea (WS) they were taken from Babkov (1998) fig.…”