Background: This study aims to investigate the associations between dietary patterns (breakfast, egg, dairy products, and sugared beverage intake frequencies) and physical fitness among Chinese children and adolescents in Shaanxi Province. METHODS: Data were extracted from the Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health (CNSSCH). The study ultimately included 7305 participants (48.4% male, 51.6% female) aged 6–22 in Shaanxi Province, China. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the association of the frequency of breakfast, egg, dairy product, and sugared beverage intakes with physical fitness. RESULTS: The frequency of breakfast, egg, and dairy product intakes were all independently and positively associated with the level of physical fitness. The frequency of sugared beverage intake was negatively associated with the level of physical fitness. CONCLUSION: Healthier dietary patterns (i.e., higher breakfast, egg, and dairy product intakes and lower sugared beverage intake) were associated with greater physical fitness. Specifically, maintaining a healthy dietary pattern of breakfast, egg, and dairy product intakes can positively affect the strength and endurance performance of children and adolescents. Increased dairy product intake plays a crucial part in boosting the physical fitness total scores of children and adolescents.