A meta‐analysis on seven large case series (>1000 cases) of chromosome microarray analysis (CMA) on products of conceptions (POC) evaluated the diagnostic yields of genomic disorders and syndromic pathogenic copy number variants (pCNVs) from a collection of 35,130 POC cases. CMA detected chromosomal abnormalities and pCNVs in approximately 50% and 2.5% of cases, respectively. The genomic disorders and syndromic pCNVs accounted for 31% of the detected pCNVs, and their incidences in POC ranged from 1/750 to 1/12,000. The newborn incidences of these genomic disorders and syndromic pCNVs were estimated in a range of 1/4000 to 1/50,000 live births from population genetic studies and diagnostic yields of a large case series of 32,587 pediatric patients. The risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB) for DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS), and William–Beuren syndrome (WBS) was 42%, 33%, and 21%, respectively. The estimated overall risk of SAB for major genomic disorders and syndromic pCNVs was approximately 38%, which was significantly lower than the 94% overall risk of SAB for chromosomal abnormalities. Further classification on levels of risk of SAB to high (>75%), intermediate (51%–75%), and low (26%–50%) for known chromosomal abnormalities, genomic disorders, and syndromic pCNVs could provide evidence‐based interpretation in prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling.