DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055156
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Association of RNAs with Bacillus subtilis Hfq

Abstract: The prevalence and characteristics of small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) have not been well characterized for Bacillus subtilis, an important model system for Gram-positive bacteria. However, B. subtilis was recently found to synthesize many candidate sRNAs during stationary phase. In the current study, we performed deep sequencing on Hfq-associated RNAs and found that a small subset of sRNAs associates with Hfq, an enigmatic RNA-binding protein that stabilizes sRNAs in Gram-negatives, but whose role is largely unk… Show more

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Cited by 66 publications
(87 citation statements)
References 72 publications
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“…While hfq inactivation generally impairs growth in Gramnegative bacteria (14), growth of S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and B. subtilis hfq mutants is not affected (24,27,77). Despite an established role of Hfq in stress tolerance and survival in mice for L. monocytogenes (24), no evident phenotypes for hfq mutants has been reported in B. subtilis (19,77) and in some S. aureus strains (27). One recent study suggested that the absence of detectable changes induced by Hfq inactivation in several S. aureus strains might be due to the lack of Hfq expression (78).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…While hfq inactivation generally impairs growth in Gramnegative bacteria (14), growth of S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and B. subtilis hfq mutants is not affected (24,27,77). Despite an established role of Hfq in stress tolerance and survival in mice for L. monocytogenes (24), no evident phenotypes for hfq mutants has been reported in B. subtilis (19,77) and in some S. aureus strains (27). One recent study suggested that the absence of detectable changes induced by Hfq inactivation in several S. aureus strains might be due to the lack of Hfq expression (78).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Moreover, the role of Hfq in environmental adaptations and the control of virulence factors have been identified in major pathogenic bacteria (17). The global role of Hfq in bacterial physiology has been further correlated with considerable changes in gene expression and with a great number of Hfq-associated RNAs in several bacterial species (18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23). This protein generally increases the intracellular half-life of sRNAs and stabilizes the interactions between sRNAs and their target mRNAs, leading to negative or positive modulation of gene expression at the level of translation or RNA stability.…”
confidence: 99%
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“…An interesting correlation has been emphasized between the number of positively charged amino acids (arginines or lysines) at the rim and the function of Hfq from Gram-positive bacteria in sRNA regulation (Panja et al 2013). Indeed, among the Hfq proteins studied in Gram-positive bacteria, L. monocytogenes Hfq carries the RKEK rim motif and stabilizes at least one sRNA-mRNA complex (Nielsen et al 2010(Nielsen et al , 2011, while B. subtilis Hfq having a RKEN motif associated with numerous RNAs was not required for sRNA regulation (Heidrich et al 2007;Gaballa et al 2008;Dambach et al 2013). The function of S. aureus Hfq carrying the KANQ rim motif remains unclear (Bohn et al 2007).…”
Section: Similarities and Differences Of Ec-hfq And Cd-hfqmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…There is, however, far less information to indicate that Hfq plays a similarly important role in Gram-positive bacteria. Regardless, Hfq has been shown to interact with several sRNAs in both Bs and Sa and was recently shown to affect the stability of certain sRNA in B. subtilis (Dambach et al 2013), but in S. aureus was not essential for the stability of the identified sRNAs or duplex formation with their target mRNAs (Huntzinger et al 2005;Geisinger et al 2006;Heidrich et al 2006Heidrich et al , 2007Boisset et al 2007;Preis et al 2009). Moreover, an Hfq null strain of S. aureus exhibited no deleterious phenotypes, leading to the notion that Hfq plays only a small role in gene expression and RNA metabolism or that there are yet unidentified redundant proteins that render Hfq nonessential (Bohn et al 2007).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%