Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is associated with the most common neoplastic disease of cattle. BLV has a silent dissemination in the herd due to infected cell exchange, thus the concentration of BLV-infected cells in blood should play a major role in the success of viral transmission. Genes from Bovine leukocyte antigen (BoLA), the MHC system of cattle, are associated with genetic resistance and susceptibility to a wide range of diseases, and also with production traits. Some BoLA DRB3.2 allele polymorphisms in Holstein cattle have been associated with resistance or susceptibility to BLV-disease development, or with proviral load (PVL). This investigation studied 107 BLV-infected Argentinean Holstein dairy cows, all of them belonging to one herd. PVL was analysed by qPCR and animals were classified as high proviral load (HPVL, N = 88) and low proviral load (LPVL, N = 19), and BoLA DRB3.2 alleles were genotyped. Alleles BoLA DRB3.2*1501 and *1201 were significantly associated with HPVL (p = 0.0230 and p = 0.0111 respectively), while allele BoLA DRB3.2*0201 was significantly associated with LPVL (p = 0.0030). The present study aims at contributing to the knowledge of the association between BoLA polymorphism and development of a BLV infection profile. Genes that best explain the PVL in this population resulted BoLA DRB3.2*0201 (as a protection factor) and *1501 (as a risk factor). Allelic differences may play an important role in the development of effective immune responses. A better understanding of how BoLA polymorphism contributes to these responses and the establishment of a BLV status is desirable to schedule and evaluate control measures. Keywords: BLV. Proviral load. BoLA DRB3 polymorphism.
ResumoO vírus da leucemia bovina (BLV) está associado à doença neoplásica mais comum do gado bovino. O BLV tem uma disseminação silenciosa no rebanho devido à troca de células infectadas, assim, a concentração de células BLV infectadas no sangue deve desempenhar um papel importante no sucesso da transmissão viral. Os genes do antígeno leucocitário bovino (BoLA), sistema MHC do gado bovino, estão associados à resistência genética e à susceptibilidade a uma ampla gama de doenças, bem como às características da produção. Alguns polimorfismos de alelos de BoLA DRB3.2 em bovinos Holstein têm sido associados à resistência ou susceptibilidade ao desenvolvimento da doença BLV, ou com carga proviral (PVL). Esta investigação avaliou 107 vacas leiteiras da raça Holstein argentina infectadas com BLV e pertencentes a um único rebanho. A PVL foi analisada por qPCR, os animais foram classificados em alta carga proviral (HPVL, N = 88) e baixa carga proviral (LPVL, N = 19)
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