Few studies have compared associations of blood lead and tibia lead with blood pressure and hypertension, and associations have differed in samples with occupational exposure compared with those with mainly environmental lead exposure. African Americans have been underrepresented in prior studies. The authors performed a crosssectional analysis of 2001-2002 data from a community-based cohort in Baltimore, Maryland, of 964 men and women aged 50-70 years (40% African American, 55% White, 5% other race/ethnicity) to evaluate associations of blood lead and tibia lead with systolic and diastolic blood pressure and hypertension while adjusting for a large set of potential confounding variables. Blood lead was a strong and consistent predictor of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in models adjusted and not adjusted for race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Tibia lead was associated with hypertension status before adjustment for race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status (p ¼ 0.01); after such adjustment, the association was borderline significant (p ¼ 0.09). Propensity score analysis suggested that standard regression analysis may have exaggerated the attenuation. These findings are discussed in the context of complex causal pathways. The data suggest that lead has an acute effect on blood pressure via recent dose and a chronic effect on hypertension risk via cumulative dose. blood pressure; body burden; fluorescence; hypertension; lead; social class; spectrometry, X-ray emission; tibiaComparison of associations between blood lead and tibia bone lead with health outcomes allows inferences to be made about the acute and chronic effects of recent and cumulative lead dose (1-3). Studies have compared associations of blood lead and bone lead with blood pressure and/ or hypertension in two populations with current or former occupational lead exposure (2, 4, 5) and three populations whose lead exposure was mainly from nonoccupational sources (6-9) (table 1). In the latter studies, only bone lead was associated with blood pressure or hypertension status, despite a large number of studies that have reported strong and consistent relations of blood lead and blood pressure when blood lead was the only lead biomarker measured (10-16). In the occupational studies, blood lead has more often been associated with systolic blood pressure in crosssectional analysis (2), while tibia lead has been associated with longitudinal increases in blood pressure (5) or hypertension status at cross-section (4). Associations are not entirely consistent across studies.These studies have several limitations. First, study populations have generally been homogeneous with regard to race/ethnicity, sex, and socioeconomic status (table 1).