Travel providers such as airlines and on-line travel agents are becoming more and more interested in understanding how passengers choose among alternative itineraries when searching for knowledge helps them be er display and adapt their o er, taking into account market conditions and customer needs. Some common applications are not only ltering and sorting alternatives, but also changing certain a ributes in real-time (e.g., changing the price). In this paper, we concentrate with the problem of modeling air passenger choices of ight problem has historically been tackled using classical Discrete Choice Modelling techniques. Traditional statistical approaches, in particular the Multinomial Logit model (MNL), is widely used in industrial applications due to its simplicity and general good performance. However, MNL models present several shortcomings and assumptions that might not hold in real applications. To overcome these di culties, we present a new choice model based on Pointer Networks. Given an input sequence, this type of deep neural architecture combines Recurrent Neural Networks with the A ention Mechanism to learn the conditional probability of an output whose values correspond to positions in an input sequence. erefore, given a sequence of di erent alternatives presented to a customer, the model can learn to point to the one most likely to be chosen by the customer. e proposed method was evaluated on a real dataset that combines on-line user search logs and airline ight bookings. Experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the traditional MNL model on several metrics.