IMEX LECTULARIUS HAS BEEN known as a human parasite for thousands of years, but scientific studies of this insect are recent and limited. 1,2 International travel, immigration, changes in pest control practices, and insecticide resistance may have contributed to a recent resurgence of this blood-sucking insect in developed countries. 1,3 Bed bug infestations have been reported increasingly in homes, apartments, hotel rooms, hospitals, and dormitories in the United States since 1980 (TABLE 1). 1,21,22 For example, reports of bed bug infestations in San Francisco doubled between 2004 and 2006. 23 The resurgence affects other countries as well. Public health experts in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, reported a 100% increase in telephone complaints about bed bugs during a 6-month period in 2002. 4 In Germany, bed bug infestations increased from 5 reported cases in 1992 to 76 cases in 2004. 24 In Australia, bed bug samples submitted to a government public agency increased by 400% during the period of 2001-2004 compared with 1997-2000. 25 The insect family Cimicidae contains species commonly called bed bugs, See also Patient Page. CME available online at and questions on p 1391.