Experimental results on the processing of NH3:CO ice mixtures of astrophysical relevance by energetic (538 MeV 64Ni24 +) projectiles are presented. NH3 and CO are two molecules relatively common in interstellar medium and solar system; they may be precursors of amino acids. 64Ni ions may be considered as representative of heavy cosmic ray analogues. Laboratory data were collected using mid-infrared Fourier transform (FTIR) spectroscopy and revealed the formation of ammonium cation (NH$_4^+$), cyanate (OCN−), molecular nitrogen (N2), and CO2. Tentative assignments of carbamic acid (NH2COOH), formate ion (HCOO−), zwitterionic glycine (NH$_3^+$CH2COO−), and ammonium carbamate (NH$_4^+$NH2COO−) are proposed. Despite the confirmation on the synthesis of several complex species bearing C, H, O, and N atoms, no N-O bearing species was detected. Moreover, parameters relevant for computational astrophysics, such as destruction and formation cross sections, are determined for the precursor and the main detected species. Those values scale with the electronic stopping power (Se) roughly as σ ∼ a S$_e^n$, where n ∼ 3/2. The power law is helpful for predicting the CO and NH3 dissociation and CO2 formation cross-sections for other ions and energies; these predictions allow estimating the effects of the entire Cosmic ray radiation field.