This paper describes a method for recovering linear controllability for the attitude of an underactuated spacecraft by accounting for the effects of solar radiation pressure in the spacecraft attitude model. The developments are based on a spacecraft model that has at least two functional reaction wheels. A solar radiation pressure torque model that is a function of spacecraft attitude is incorporated and, under suitable assumptions, can be simplified for spacecraft with body symmetry. Conditions are given under which a symmetric-body spacecraft will experience zero solar radiation pressure torque. The stability of the underactuated spacecraft model is discussed, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for linear controllability to be regained when solar radiation pressure torques are included in the spacecraft attitude model. With linear controllability restored, conventional controllers can be designed for underactuated spacecraft. Controllability of a cuboid spacecraft under the influence of solar radiation pressure is then analyzed. Nonlinear simulations illustrate this novel approach to recover pointing by controlling two functioning reaction wheels while two other wheels undergo subsequent failures. Nomenclature A = dynamics matrix of an open-loop linear model A w = dynamics matrix of an open-loop linear model for angular velocities A j = area of panel j B = input matrix of a linear model B = spacecraft bus-fixed frame C diff;j = diffusion coefficient of panel j c = speed of light d i;j = distance to point i on panel j from the center of the sun d 0 = 1 AÛ g i , i 1,2,3,4 = physical spin axis vectors of reaction wheels 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively g i , i 1,2,3,4 = mathematical vector corresponding to the expressionĝ i expressed in B H = physical total angular momentum vector I = inertial frame I j = indicator function for determining if panel j contributes to solar radiation pressure torque J = diag(J 1 ,J 2 ,J 3 ) J = locked inertia matrix J = modified locked inertia matrix J ind = controllability index J w = moment of inertia of a reaction wheel about its spin axis J 1 ,J 2 ,J 3 = spacecraft principal moments of inertia L x , L y , L z = dimensions of the cuboid spacecraft l x , l y , l z = components of r C∕O M ext = physical external moment vector Mt f ; t 0 = controllability gramian n 1 , n 2 , n 3 = components of u s O B∕I = orientation matrix of B relative to I P j = physical vector of solar radiation pressure of panel j Q, R = weight matrices for linear quadratic controller r C∕O = physical position vector of the center of mass of the spacecraft C from a reference point O r C∕O = mathematical vector corresponding to r C∕O expressed in B r j = mathematical vector corresponding to r j∕O expressed in B when considering a pair of symmetric panels r j∕O = physical position vector of the center of the jth panel from a reference point O T= linearized solar radiation pressure torques influence matrix u j = mathematical vector corresponding to the expression ofû n;j expressed in B when considering...