The growing interest in the design of new computing systems is attributed to the notion that, although the silicon-based computing provides outstanding speed, it cannot meet some of the challenges posed by the developing world of biotechnology and synthetic biology. New abilities, such as direct interface between computation processes and biological environment, are necessary. In addition, the challenges of parallelism [1] and miniaturization are still driving forces for developing innovative computing technologies. Moreover, the growth in speed for silicon-based computers, as described by Moor's law, may be nearing its limit [2]. The design of new computing architectures involves two main challenges: reduction of computation time and solving intractable problems. Most of the celebrated computationally intractable problems can be solved with electronic computers by an exhaustive search through all possible solutions. However, an insurmountable difficulty lies in the fact that such a search is too vast to be carried out using the currently available technology.In his visionary talk ''There's plenty of room at the bottom'' in 1959, Richard Feynman suggested the use of atomic and molecular scale components for building machinery [3]. This idea has stimulated several research studies, but it was not until 1994 that an active use of DNA molecules was presented in the form of computation [4]. Biomolecular computing (BMC) has rapidly evolved since then as an independent field at the interface of computer science, mathematics, chemistry, and biology [5][6][7]. Living organisms carry out complex physical processes dictated by molecular information. For example, biochemical reactions, and ultimately the entire organism's operations, are ruled by instructions stored in its genome, encoded in sequences of nucleic acids. It is tempting to draw an analogy between the intracellular processing of DNA and RNA and the processing of information stored in the tape of the Turing machine. Both systems process information stored in a string of symbols built on a fixed alphabet, and both operate by moving step by step along those strings, modifying or adding symbols according to a given Biomolecular Information Processing: From Logic Systems to Smart Sensors and Actuators, First Edition. Edited by Evgeny Katz.