The study was done to compare Awassi ewes and Holstein cow’s milk in morning and evening period, in a private animal project in Erbil/ Iraq. The physical properties (pH, specific gravity and freezing point °c) of milk samples which recorded insignificant differences between the morning and evening period of Awassi ewes and Holstein cow’s milk, as well as milk has flavor in ewes, while it increased in cow’s milk. The average yield of cows' milk increased in the morning compared to the evening, while the milk yield of ewes showed an insignificant difference between the morning and evening periods. Fat and fat percentage: protein ratio had decreased in the morning milk compared to the evening milk, instead of in cows the morning milk contained high fat (%) and fat: protein ratio compared to the evening, otherwise, Sheep's milk increased the rates of morning milk protein, lactose and SNF compared to the evening milk, there were insignificant differences between cows’ morning and evening milk protein, lactose and SNF percentages. At the animal or species level, sheep's milk outperformed cow's milk in chemical composition.