were developed to form the basis for understanding these contacts. [2][3][4][5][6] Since the invention of the transistor, [7] the development of Ohmic contacts has been a major research topic in advancing various transistor technologies. [8,9] During the decades of research and especially with the development of different measurement methods (e.g., the transmission line method), [10] it was expected that charge carriers crowd near the bottom edge of planar metal contacts, that is, only a fraction of the contact is employed for active carrier injection. This current-crowding phenomenon significantly affects how small the contacts can be scaled without limiting drain currents.To achieve higher device density in a certain chip area, it is key to reduce all device dimensions (device scaling). In this context, nowadays one of the significant frontiers for studying the metal-semiconductor contacts is their scaling behavior (i.e., how reducing device dimensions impacts device operation and performance), manifested mainly in two trends. First, the thickness of semiconductor channel materials has been reduced with the advent of atomically thin semiconductors [11][12][13][14] and the development of gate-all-around nanosheet transistors. [15] This trend can be considered channel thickness scaling. Second, the metal contact length (L c ), the length where metal 2D semiconducting materials have immense potential for future electronics due to their atomically thin nature, which enables better scalability. While the channel scalability of 2D materials has been extensively studied, the current understanding of contact scaling in 2D devices is inconsistent and oversimplified. Here physically scaled contacts and asymmetrical contact measurements (ACMs) are combined to investigate the contact scaling behavior in 2D field-effect transistors. The ACMs directly compare electron injection at different contact lengths while using the exact same MoS 2 channel, eliminating channel-to-channel variations. The results show that scaled source contacts can limit the drain current, whereas scaled drain contacts do not. Compared to devices with long contact lengths, devices with short contact lengths (scaled contacts) exhibit larger variations, 15% lower drain currents at high drain-source voltages, and a higher chance of early saturation and negative differential resistance. Quantum transport simulations reveal that the transfer length of Ni-MoS 2 contacts can be as short as 5 nm. Furthermore, it is clearly identified that the actual transfer length depends on the quality of the metal-2D interface. The ACMs demonstrated here will enable further understanding of contact scaling behavior at various interfaces.