The self-archived postprint version of this conference article is available at Linköping University Institutional Repository (DiVA): N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original publication.Vehkapera, M., Riihonen, T., Girnyk, M., Björnson, E., Debbah, M., Rasmussen, L. K., Wichman, R., (2015) Abstract-Hardware non-idealities in wireless transmitter electronics cause distortion that is not captured by conventional linear channel models; in fact, error-vector magnitude (EVM) measurements in conformance testing conceptually reduce their collective effect to an additive noise component at each subcarrier. Motivated by the EVM, the present paper considers a 'binoisy' multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel model where the additional non-idealities manifest themselves as an additive distortion noise term at the transmit side. Through this extended MIMO relation, the effects of hardware impairments on the achievable rates of different digital modulation schemes are studied via large system analysis. The numerical results illustrate how tolerable EVM levels depend non-trivially on various factors, including the signal-to-noise ratio, modulation order and the level of asymmetry in antenna array configurations.