We provide explicit approximation formulas for VIX futures and options in stochastic forward variance models, with particular emphasis on the family of so-called Bergomi models: the one-factor Bergomi model of Bergomi [6], the rough Bergomi model of Bayer et al. [3], and an enhanced version of the rough model that can generate realistic positive skew for VIX smiles -introduced simultaneously by De Marco [13] and Guyon [20] on the lines of Bergomi [7], that we refer to as "mixed rough Bergomi model". Following the methodology set up by Gobet and Miri [17], we derive weak approximations for the law of the VIX random variable, leading to option price approximations under the form of explicit combinations of Black-Scholes prices and greeks. The new challenge we tackle is to handle the fractional integration kernel appearing in rough models and to deal with non-smooth payoffs. We stress that our approach does not rely on small-time asymptotics nor small-parameter (such as small volatility-of-volatility) asymptotics and can therefore be applied to any option maturity and a wide range of parameter configurations. Our results are illustrated by several numerical experiments and calibration tests to VIX market data.