As EUV lithography transitions to high volume manufacturing, actinic inspection tools at 13.5 nm wavelength are attractive for understanding the printability of EUV mask defects, as well as for in-fab monitoring for possible defects emerging from extended use. Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) is a lensless imaging technique that allows for phaseand-amplitude, aberration-free, high-resolution imaging in the EUV. Moreover, sources based on high harmonic generation (HHG) of ultrafast lasers are a proven viable coherent light source for CDI, with flux sufficient for rapid large-area inspection and small-area imaging. By combining CDI and HHG, we implemented actinic EUV photomask inspection on a low-cost tabletop-scale setup. Moreover, we propose and demonstrate a solution to the challenge of ptychographic imaging of periodic structures through careful illumination engineering.