We demonstrate a method for creating monatomic-depth rectangular pits of controlled size in an alkali halide surface by using an electron-beam evaporator. Atomic resolution noncontact atomic force microscopy is used to characterize the structure and size distribution of the pits, with mean side lengths ranging from 6.5 to 20 nm. It is also demonstrated that metal nanoparticles can be used to nucleate the growth of pits, resulting in pits with metal nanoparticles inside. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2210288͔ While surface modifications induced by electronic transitions have been of fundamental interest for several decades, 1,2 there is renewed interest in the field because of its relevance to nanofabrication. 3 Moreover, the recent development of noncontact atomic force microscopy 4 ͑NC-AFM͒ has opened up the possibility of measuring the topography of modified insulators with atomic resolution. 5 This is of great importance since the influence of surface topography on the desorption process leading to surface modification remains largely unknown. 1 Through excitation by electrons, 1 photons, 6 or ions, 7 the desorption of atoms from ionic crystal surfaces is induced by the formation of Frenkel defects in the bulk ͑F and H centers͒, which diffuse and recombine with the surface. 1 At the first stages of the typically layer-by-layer surface removal, monatomic-depth rectangular pits are formed, which are several nanometers in size. Recently, these pits have been used to trap small numbers of SubPc molecules, 3 an important step towards assembling a molecular electronic device on an insulating substrate. These well defined surface features may also serve to control the nucleation of metal nanostructures at surfaces. 6 In this letter, we report on the use of an electronbeam evaporator as a source of charged particles for creating arrays of nanostructured pits and metal nanoparticles inside pits on a KBr ͑001͒ surface.All of the sample preparation and characterization was performed in ultrahigh vacuum ͑base pressure Ͻ4 ϫ 10 −8 Pa͒. The KBr surfaces were prepared by cleaving a crystal ͑Korth Kristalle, Germany͒ in situ along the ͑001͒ plane and then heating for 1 h at 150°C, in order to remove any residual surface charge. An Oxford Applied Research EGN4 electron-beam evaporator was used for the pit creation and metal deposition. During operation, charged particles are emitted as a result of the ionization of residual gas in the vacuum chamber, the ionization of target material, and the production of low energy electrons. To reduce the amount of charge impinging on the sample during evaporation, the evaporator is fitted with a grid held at 2 kV. With this setup, extremely small current densities are accessible ͑Ͻ500 pA/ cm 2 ͒, making it possible to finely tune the irradiation dose to the sample. Tantalum ͑Alfa Aesar, 99.95%͒ was used as the evaporator target material because its high melting point enables the use of a wide range of evaporator powers, and hence current densities. The pits were cre...