Wide application of radionuclides in various branches of economy [1][2][3] is one of the features of modern technological revolution. Radionuclides are used in radiative technology, in flow detection, in process monitoring instruments, in activation analysis, for medical diagnostics and radiation therapy, for food sterilization, for sewage forproduction of thermal and electricpower with the use of radioisotopicsources, etc. It shouldbe readily apparent thatwide variety as well as greatquantity of radionuclides are need for their applications. Accsrding to reports of the Vsesojuznoje objedinenije (All-Union Association) "Isotope," 140 radionuclides are produced in the USSR. Among them 80 are produced in nuclear reactors, 400 are produced with the use of accelerators, 14 radionuclides are fuel-fission products, 6 radionuclides are isotopes of transuranium elements. Radionuclides are used by about i0,000 production plants, research institutes, and medical institutions. The use of radioisotopic measuring instruments alone saves the economy as much as 40,000,000 rubles annually.Over 30 years radionuclides are produced in nuclear reactors used for various purposes. A great deal of physical and technical problems related to their production have been solved during this period. Irradiated targets have been designed and devices have been developed for their loading and unloading out of the reactor. Algorithms have been developed for the analysis of radionuclide formation and optimization theories have been proposed. This article reviews latest developments in the field and outlines currently central problems of radionuclide production in nuclear reactors.The Reactor Types Used. Radionuclides are produced mainly in research reactors, the latter accounting for more than 50 percent of the range and 40% of the overall activity of all man-made radionuclides. Research reactors are put simultaneously to their principal use, i.e. to carrying out the studies on nuclear physics, solid-state physics, radiation chemistry, etc., which presents additional problems for the optimal process of radionuclide production in these reactors.Research reactors fall into special categories in terms of the range of radionuclides produced which is related primarily to physical characteristics of the reactors and to the possibilities of the location of nuclide-producing targets. Let us consider several examples.The SM-2 and MIR reactors of the V. I. Lenin Atomic Reactors Research Institute (ARRI) produce radionuclides that require high neutron fluxes for their production. At present only at this research institute various transplutonium elements are produced. A great volume of materiological investigations are also conducted at ARRI. Radionuclide 99Mo for technetium generators is produced in the VVR-Ts reactors of the Obninsk branch of the L. Ya. Karpov Research Institute of Physical Chemistry, and 32p is produced in the VVR-S reactor of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. The specialization he...