We study the effect of antiferromagnetic longitudinal coupling on the one-dimensional transverse field Ising model with nearest-neighbour couplings. In the topological phase where, in the thermodynamic limit, the ground state is twofold degenerate, we show that, for a finite system of N sites, the longitudinal coupling induces N level crossings between the two lowest lying states as a function of the field. We also provide strong arguments suggesting that these N level crossings all appear simultaneously as soon as the longitudinal coupling is switched on. This conclusion is based on perturbation theory, and a mapping of the problem onto the open Kitaev chain, for which we write down the complete solution in terms of Majorana fermions.The topological properties of matter are currently attracting a considerable attention [1,2]. One of the hallmarks of a topologically non trivial phase is the presence of surface states. In one dimension, the first example was the spin-1 chain that was shown a long time ago to have a gapped phase [3] with two quasi-degenerate low-lying states (a singlet and a triplet) on open chains [4]. These low-lying states are due to the emergent spin-1/2 degrees of freedom at the edges of the chains which combine to make a singlet ground state with an almost degenerate low-lying triplet for an even number of sites, and a triplet ground state with an almost degenerate low-lying singlet when the number of sites is odd. In that system, the emergent degrees of freedom are magnetic since they carry a spin 1/2, and they can be detected by standard probes sensitive to local magnetisation such as NMR [5].In fermionic systems, a topological phase is present if the model includes a pairing term (as in the mean-field treatment of a p-wave superconductor), and the emergent degrees of freedom are two Majorana fermions localised at the opposite edges of the chain [6]. Their detection is much less easy than that of magnetic edge states, and it relies on indirect consequences such as their impact on the local tunneling density of states [7,8], or the presence of two quasi-degenerate low-lying states in open systems. In that respect, it has been suggested to look for situations where the low-lying states cross as a function of an external parameter, for instance the chemical potential, to prove that there are indeed two low-lying states [9].In a recent experiment with chains of Cobalt atoms evaporated onto a Cu 2 N/Cu(100) substrate [10], the presence of level crossings as a function of the external magnetic field has been revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy, which exhibits a specific signature whenever the ground state is degenerate. The relevant effective model for that system is a spin-1/2 XY model in an inplane magnetic field. The exact diagonalisation of finite XY chains has indeed revealed the presence of quasidegeneracy between the two lowest energy states, that are well separated from the rest of the spectrum, and a series of level crossings between them as a function of the magnetic field [11]. ...