Diabetes, an alarming modern-day epidemic, imposes a substantial burden due to its rising incidence rate. Diabetes, in addition to its metabolic consequences, has emerged as a contributor to cognitive decline via a number of underlying processes, including neuroinflammation. Among the critical processes linked to diabetes, the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines has received a lot of attention. The aim of this current research study is to determine the potential of 6-amino flavone as an agent for treating Alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus and neuroinflammation in albino mice. The anti-diabetic and anti-neuroinflammatory effects were assessed through Y-maze, Morris water maze, and probe test in all four groups. The results indicated that the 6-amino flavone group showed a promising in-crease in short-term and long-term cognitive functions compared to the alloxan-induced group. Noticeably, the western blot analysis depicted that 6-amino flavone exerts antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and neuroprotective effects by inhibiting the p-IRS/TNF-α signaling pathway and enhancing the synapse performance via upregulation of SYP and PSD-95 proteins in the Allox-an-induced diabetes mellitus group. The results of the current study infer 6-amino flavone as a potent therapeutic drug against diabetes complications and associated neuroinflammation.