This study was conducted to improve in vitro production of embryos from domestic cats using TCM-199 as an IVM medium. The time sequence of nuclear maturation and the optimal timing of in vitro insemination were examined. Most oocytes were at the germinal vesicle stage immediately after collection; however, 8.3% had already resumed meiosis before IVM culture. After 30 h of IVM culture, the percentage of oocytes at metaphase II (MII) reached a peak (75.5%) and did not change (P>0.05) from 30 to 48 h after IVM culture. The percentage of oocytes with two pronuclei was higher (P<0.05) for oocytes matured for 30 and 36 h (38.2 and 33.0%, respectively) than for those after IVM culture for only 24 h (18.5%).Total sperm penetration rate was highest (P<0.05) for oocytes that had been matured for 30 h (46.1%). After 30 h of IVM and 18 h of IVF culture, 66.3 and 24.8% of inseminated oocytes had cleaved and developed to the blastocyst stage, respectively. We concluded that IVM of feline oocytes for 30 h in TCM-199 resulted in optimal nuclear maturation and sperm penetration.