Cholesterol is a universal constituent of all animal cells and therefore occurs in all foods of animal origin. Cholesterol is the mother substance of bile acid and of sex hormones and has other important physiological roles. Cholesterol is synthesized in the body from acetate obtainable from ingested carbohydrate, fat. or protein, of animal or vegetable origin.
The fate of cholesterol in the body has not been definitely established. The cause of atherosclerosis is unknown. Atherosclerosis occurs in young as well as old individuals. Atherosclerosis is the number‐one killer today.
Diagnosis of atherosclerosis in the healthy individual is not possible. Treatment of atherosclerosis is empirical. Reduction of blood cholesterol levels by dietary means is difficult under conditions consonant with good nutrition. A well‐balanced intake of all available foods on a modified total caloric basis appears to be the practical approach to the problem of fat, cholesterol, and atherosclerosis.