“…Anal. Caled, for Ci3HnN02: C, 73.22; , 5.20; N, 6.57. Found: C, 73.28; H, 5.24; N, 6.69. The infrared spectrum of N-carbophenoxyazepine (10% in carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide) possessed the following significant absorptions: 5.80 (s); 6.06 (m), 6.17 (m), 7.5 (s), 7.66 (s-m), 9.32 (m), 10.82 (m), 13.80 µ (s). Ultraviolet spectrum showed X"°H 219.5 µ (e 20,400), 242 (sh) (5060), 303 (910); X"Tk"""• 325 µ (« 640).…”